Download Bolt Browser 2.52 HandlerUI202 jar zip

Download Bolt Browser 2.52 HandlerUI202
update Bolt Browser 2.52 with new handler user interface 202

Download Bolt Browser 2.52 HandlerUI202 jar zip

what is bolt browser
BOLT is a free downloadable browser that offers an uncompromised browsing experience even on lower-end mobile phones.

Rather than offering a simplified, mini version of the Internet, BOLT provides users with a fast, efficient, feature-rich way to enjoy full PC-style web pages and rich media applications on all levels of mobile devices.

Built on Bitstream's ThunderHawk browsing technology, BOLT is the result of 5+ years experience developing mobile browsers that optimize usability, speed and performance on resource-constrained systems with limited memory, processing power and screen space.

Download Bolt Browser 2.52 HandlerUI202
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